ALDHAMIN ALMUTAHIDA Co. Company has shown great expertise in deploying distinguish innovative engineering solutions. we rely on the use of advanced computing technology, state-of-the-art modeling systems and workflows, use of collaborative web and mobile solutions all managed by our highly qualified workforce to deliver engineering and construction design projects to our customers. This effective use of technology enables us speed up schedules, lowers costs, and ensures quality and accuracy. Our Design team constantly offer effective support during all phases of a project from start till finish ensuring project designs are reviewed and fine-tuned to meet actual site design conditions and at the end of a project provide excellent as built designs and drawings for our records.
We offer engineering services for;
1. Gas treatment and compression facilities,
2.Crude oil processing facilities,
3.Pipelines and piping works.
4.Flow lines and Well Heads,
5.Storage tanks for oil fields processes,
6.Civil works for oil fields structures,
7.Mechanical Electrical and instrumentation for oil fields structures,
8. Cathodic Protection Systems for structures and facilities.